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Political Science


Official Name of Program

Political Science

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BA - Bachelor of Arts



NYSED Program Code

34915 - POL-BA

CIP Code


Political Science (BA)  

The mission of the political science program is to help students examine and understand the complex forces -- local, national and global -- that define our collective lives. Political regimes shape the lives and opportunities of their citizenry. Properly ordered regimes can provide prosperity and security for their citizens, while disordered political societies perpetuate injustice and insecurity, both economic and civil. Democratic societies generally share a consensus about constitutional norms, the structure of power, and societal objectives. Yet there may be legitimate disagreements about the proper role of government in society, and the rights and obligations of citizenship. The central task of the political science program at the College of Staten Island is to equip students with the analytic tools, both empirical and normative, to pursue a professional career and to become informed and responsible citizens as well as active participants in their political community.  

General Education Requirements: 42 credits  

Major Requirements: 42-51 credits   

Electives: 27-36 credits  

Total Credits Required: 120 
