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Campus Center

Building 1C, Room 201

The Campus Center draws together all members of the College of Staten Island community. It is a shared space for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. While each of these groups is important, the students are at the heart of the Campus Center’s mission, to provide a diverse, inclusive and safe place. By providing a welcoming and safe environment, students are able to engage with one another and share their experiences with one another. The Campus Center promotes an understanding and appreciation of the diversity of the College of Staten Island and of the world at large. The Campus Center is comprised of many operating areas and offices. Our public areas include the Green Dolphin Lounge, West Dining Room, and Rotunda—all on the main level of the building. On the second floor, the Campus Center offers students the opportunity to play games in the Game Room, meet quietly and socialize in the Quiet Games Room or watch a movie in the Bijou Theatre. Student organization offices including student publications, the Campus Activities Board (CAB), NYPIRG, and Student Government are also located on this floor. Students can find many services offered in the Campus Center.  Offices include:

CSI Association

Building 1C, Room 202

CSI Auxiliary Services 

Building 1C, Room 208

The Bookstore

Building 1C, First Floor

The Multi-Faith Center

Building 1C, Room 212A

The Veterans' Resource Center

Building 1C, Room 216

WSI-88.9 FM

Building 1C, Room 106

Dining Services

Building 1C, Cafeteria

Health & Wellness Services

Building 1C, Room 111 and 112

Student Government

Building 1C, Room 207

Student Life Involvement Center and Campus Activities Board

Building 1C, Room 212B

Virtual Reality Lab

Building 1C, Room 213

LGBTQ Resource Center

Building 1C, Room 226

Office of Student Life

Building 1C, Room 201

These offices assist the College community in many different ways. Each area offers students the opportunity to help shape campus life through programs and services. The Campus Center also offers students the only location to rent lockers anywhere on campus. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Life at 718.982.3088 or  Building 1C, Room 201.