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Undergraduate students who do not register for a semester and then decide to return must file an application for readmission to qualify for a priority registration appointment. Generally, readmission is routine. Students requesting a change in curriculum or major may be subject to a review of qualifications. Additionally, if a student does not attend the College for four consecutive Fall and Spring semesters, the student must satisfy the degree requirements in effect in the semester of their readmission.

Readmission After Academic Dismissal

Students dismissed from the College for failure to meet the academic standards set forth in Academic Standards policy may apply for readmission after a separation from the College of at least one Fall or Spring semester. Students who apply for readmission after academic dismissal must have their application reviewed by the Committee on Course and Standing.

Students may obtain information about the process from the Center for Academic Advising and Student Success in Bldg 1A, Room 101 or visit the following website for more information: