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Health and Wellness Services

Campus Center (1C), Room 111

Health and Wellness Services provides high quality, cost-effective health care and wellness programs in order to promote health and support academic success. Services available to all students include urgent care and sick visits, physical exams to meet program requirements, immunizations, reproductive and sexual health care, nutrition counseling, and health education. All care and treatment are confidential. Health & Wellness offers educational programs and events and maintains a Peer Education Program. Part of this area, the CSI Alcohol & Drug Prevention Program, funded through a NYS OASAS grant, aims to prevent alcohol and substance use/misuse. Programs and services are offered at no cost to students and are partially funded by Student Activity Fees. Health & Wellness Services can be reached at 718.982.3045 and is located in the Campus Center, Building 1C, Rooms 111 and 112.