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Chemistry Grades 7-12


Official Name of Program

Chemistry Grades 7-12

Plan Code




Degree Designation

BS - Bachelor of Science



NYSED Program Code

25964 - EDCH712-BS

CIP Code


This program provides the academic course content necessary for certification as a teacher at the adolescence level in the field of Chemistry.  There are two concentrations in the Chemistry 7-12  Bachelor of Science degree program. They are: Track One, ACS and Track Two. 

Students wishing to be recommended by the College for initial certification must successfully their academic major (English) as well as the adolescence education sequence of courses. The sequence must be started by the beginning of the sophomore year. 

For admission and continuation in the English 7-12 Bachelor of Arts and all Adolescence Education courses students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students wishing to be recommended by the College for certification must successfully complete the education sequence.  In order to finish the sequence in two years it is recommended that students begin coursework at the beginning of their junior year. 

General Criteria for Entry into the Education Sequences 

Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above to enroll in introductory (foundations) education courses (EDS 201, EDS 202). Students whose GPAs are below 3.0 but above 2.9 may appeal for special permission to enroll in an introductory foundations course. All students apply for admission to an educational sequence while enrolled in one of the 200-level foundations courses listed above. Students who are denied admission to an educational sequence may appeal the decision. Instructions for the appeal processes, including deadlines, are available in the School of Education office located in Building 3S, Room 208. 

Criteria for Continuing in the Educational Sequences 

Students must earn a C+ or above in each education class. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 throughout the program. 

NYS Certification Requirement 

EDP 220 is a requirement for NYS Certification and may also be used to satisfy the social science general education requirement. Students are encouraged to take this course prior to graduation.


A student is eligible for admission to the honors program in Chemistry if he or she enters the senior year with a grade point average of 3.5 of higher.  To receive Honors in Chemistry, a student is required to pass at least eight credits of Independent Study, with a grade of A- or higher, completed during their last three semesters prior to graduation.  The topic of the Independent Study must be directed towards their Honors Thesis topic.  The student must also satisfy the following requirements detailed in the schedule below:

Sept 15th of their penultimate semester: Students submits a one-page summary of their proposed research project to the Chemistry Department Chairperson who will appoint a three-member Honors Committee to evaluate the proposal.  

October 15th of their penultimate semester:  The Honors Committee will grant or deny the students’ proposed research project.

November 1st of the penultimate semester: The student will meet with the Honors Committee to present their research proposal.  Suggestions from the committee will be used to help guide the research.

January 15th before their final semester:  The student will submit a five-page progress report to the Honors Committee.

February 1st of their final semester:  The Honors Committee will approve or deny continuation of the student’s honors project.

May 1st of their final semester: The student will submit an honors thesis to his/her Honors Committee that is written in the style of a major journal article.

May 10th, prior to end of final exam period of their final semester:  the student will present an oral defense of the thesis to the Honors Committee.  

Based on the written honors thesis and oral defense, the Honors Committee will approve or deny the Honors in Chemistry or Honors in Biochemistry designation.  The deadlines dates noted above are based on a June graduation date, but corresponding guidelines may be designated for January graduation and approved by their faculty supervisor and the Chemistry department chairperson.
