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Computer Science


Official Name of Program

Computer Science

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BS - Bachelor of Science



NYSED Program Code

34902 - CSC-BS

CIP Code


The Computer Science program offers a full four-year curriculum in computer science that prepares students for careers as computer professionals and/or for graduate study. The major provides a broad-based background in computer science and includes courses in computer software, systems, mathematics, and computer engineering. A student, under the guidance of a computer science advisor, may also select additional courses to pursue particular interests. Students interested in transferring into the program from the two-year Computer Technology program should consult the department chairperson.  The BS in Computer Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012; 410.347.7700.

Program Educational Objectives: 

A few years after graduation, graduates will: 

  1. Hold responsible positions in computing related fields and/or be pursuing an advanced computing-related degree; 

 2. Remain current in their field through the pursuit of life-long learning; and 

  1. Use their core computing and problem-solving knowledge. 

Career Professional Development Activities 

It is recommended that students complete the following milestones. Computer Science advisement works with students to schedule these activities at the appropriate times during their college careers. 

  • Create a Handshake Account with the Career Center 

  • Create a Linkedln Account  

  • Create a GITHUB Account 

  • Create a Draft Resume 

  • Attend a Tech Meet up 

  • Apply for Internships 

Double-Counting Policy 

Undergraduate students majoring in Computer Science satisfying the following criteria may be granted permission to take up to three graduate courses at undergraduate tuition to be counted towards their bachelor’s degree. These courses may be used only to substitute for 400-level Computer Science elective courses (CSC designation). These graduate courses will be double-counted toward their master’s degree. This allows students to earn both the bachelor’s and the master’s degrees in five years. 


  1. Current enrollment in bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or  Computer Science / Mathematics at CSI and successful completion of three years of study with 90 or more earned credits. 

  2. Cumulative GPA 3.3 or above. 

  3. Two letters of recommendation, at least one from a full-time College of Staten Island Computer Science faculty under whom the applicant has studied. 

  4. Permissions from the course instructor, the coordinator of the graduate program, and the department chairperson. 

  5. Application for admission and conditional acceptance to the Computer Science graduate program. 

  6. All graduate elective courses can be taken as double-counting courses, except the required core courses: CSC 716, CSC 727, CSC 740 and CSC 770. 

Upon completion of this program:

  • Students will be able to analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.

  • Students will be able to design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.

  • Students will be able to communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.

  • Students will be able to recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.

  • Students will be able to function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
